Ann is moving around talking to as many people as she can about IcFEM.
Dorothy and Mary Pearson were happy to have a copy of the Daily Nation as a change from British news when Ann visited Heaton Baptist Church, in Newcastle with them!!
We have had a number of visitors in Kimilili. From overseas, our UK Chairman, Peter Latham, and his wife, Viv, have been welcome visitors. We have also been happy to have Roel and Marianne Meijers around. There have also been many visitors from within Kenya. All are welcome!
The work for God at IcFEM continues apace. Ann has travelled safely to UK. Schools open for Third Term on Monday or Tuesday, but a number of young people have gone back to college this week. We do have some who still need more sponsors, so if you'd like to help at all, please contact Third term is the term for external exams, so there is a lot of pressure on our children. We aoppreciate prayer.