Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Holiday Club.
It continues till Thursday with an outing on Friday if we can get new tyres for the school bus in time. The bus had a bad tyre burst when on a school outing recently and therefore needs two new tyres!
New babies!
Monday, November 29, 2010
IcFEM Christmas Cards.
Drawn by Dreamland Education Centre children.
This is the link: http://www.icfemcharitycards.bigcartel.com/products
Unusual cards and VERY well produced.
All profits come to IcFEM Kimilili.
Thank you.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
October news.
For those who know our staff well, Mary and Anthony had a daughter, Hadassah, not long ago. Nancy and Alex had a son yesterday. Both first babies. I have no pictures....
Now we wait for the others.
Monday, September 27, 2010
2010 AGM photos.
Jacob gets his new chair
Mobility for East Bukusu people!
Sorry folks!! I have been struggling to post news....
I have failed to post this report with some wonderful photos, so will try to do the photos separately. It was an amazing day!
Report by Becky Nightingale.
On Friday last week the Bethesda Pool programme with the DMCC team visited East Bukusu to hand over two specially adapted wheelchairs. The wheelchairs were left over from the Wheels for the World distribution earlier this year. They were adapted and designed by two visiting Dutch students from The Hague University. The patients were originally assessed on the DMCC medical outreach programme.
The first was for a lady, Cellestine, who badly broke her legs in a motorcycle accident many years ago. She was unable to walk and the only way she could work on her farm was lying on her front. She was given a specially made hand bike which she could use on the farm and roads around her house, she and her family were very grateful for her new found freedom.
The second chair was made for Jacob who, following a neurological event, had been unable to sit up for 10 years. He had not left his compound in over 10 years. He was given spiritual care, medical care and the family were given an exercises programme to do with him. On Friday the wheelchair was given to him and for first time in 10 years he was able to sit unaided. Not surprisingly he and his family were delighted. They said they took him to church on Sunday and that they will join an IcFEM fellowship.
We praise God for the work done in East Bukusu and are very grateful for our links with both Wheels for World and The Hague University, without whom this would not have been possible.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Christmas Cards!!
Very good AGM
Too much rain and MUD. Lots of power blackouts and Internet down. Hopefully there will be some photos of the AGM next week.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Mission AGM planned for 4th September
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
We've hit £100 on EVERYCLICK!!
and to buy on e-bay!!
If you are not already using Everyclick, please sign up to support IcFEM (Europe) on www.everyclick.com. It costs you nothing!!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
DEC children go to the National Music Festival
Monday, August 9, 2010
Prayer and Fasting at the end of July
This month over 200 people came - too many for our Hall. We had to hire a tent!
I am trying to add photos, but "it has refused" so I'll try again another day!!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Disability training day
The 17 regional coordinators were joined by two staff from the Dreamland Medical Care Centre for the course at IcFEM Headquarters in Kimilili which was led by a combined team of the Bethesda Pool department coordinators (Leonard Wanjala & Paul Stephens) and clinicians from the Health department (Mellan Mukhongo & Becky Nightingale).
The correct identification and appropriate treatment of disabilities is poorly managed across Western Kenya with many people left with lifelong conditions as a result. The purpose of the event was to help local leaders to better identify those with disabilities in their areas, and to make clear the correct care required for various conditions. The aims are to improve the quality of life for those with non-preventable disabilities, and to ensure that preventable conditions are picked up and treated – even in the most rural areas.
Each unit coordinator was equipped with a training manual written by the facilitators, which gives information about the common disabilities and conditions found across the rural communities. This material was explained over the two days, with additional opportunity provided for practical demonstrations of helpful exercises and the equipment available to treat some of the conditions.
The team are fundraising at present to allow the training to be rolled out at village level across the 17 Local Transformation Units over the coming months.
NB Photos of this will be added separately!!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Sports training for Local Transformation Unit reps.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Senior Management take 70% salary cut.
This does not affect DEC, DMCC or security staff.
Please pray for us.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Dreamland Education Centre successes.
Dreamland was awarded certificates and trophies at the recent District Education Day.
You can see teachers with certificates (the children concerned are now in Secondary School) and the trophies.
The group photo shows teachers displaying the certificates awarded at the Kimilili District Education Day. Our school got an award for being the second best
The 1st position is also awarded a trophy in addition to the Certificate.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
New mast!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Soon, I'll post a photo of the new mast and some more news.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Still no new mast!!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Sadly the new Internet is down!!
If you are trying to e-mail us, we may not be getting it! I am using the phone to post this, but I do not think I am able to upload photos.
We have been off for nearly two weeks now! It is, of course, cutting off our Cyber Cafe completely.
We are told a new and stronger mast will need to be installed. When? We appreciate your prayers.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
What news would YOU like?
What news would you like to see here? News can be much more up-to-date than on the Website. Please note that we can't update the Website ourselves from Kimilili.
There is a lot of wonderful activity here despite our lack of enough funding. Most of all, we covet your prayers.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Looking forward to seeing YOU there!!
Also, don't forget the Mission website. www.icfem-mission.org
End month Prayer and Fasting in Kenya
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Follow up to April 8th post.
Sadly the BOAT (Bicton Overseas Agricultural Trust) Course had to be postponed to next year. All overseas participants were affected by the Icelandic ash cloud and the course dates couldn't be changed.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Ann is safely home from USA.
I travelled from East (New York State) to West (Washington State), with visits to Lancaster PA, Washington DC, Columbus OH and Colorado Springs, with a plane change in Dallas TX.
I was able to share about IcFEM with a number of small groups and individuals.
I thank God for taking care of me on this "trip of a lifetime".
I hope to post some photos soon.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Fertiliser from the Government.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Teachers are safely in England!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
At a time like this, when the Mission is struggling to pay staff allowances, it is very hard to lose a milk cow. This has happened to both Macdon and Leonard in the last few days. Please pray for them as they adjust to loss of income as well as losing a "family friend".
Also pray for God's protection for the rest of the staff animals as well as the staff and their families.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Volcanic ash cloud affects our teachers!
Please pray for God's solution to this unexpected problem.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Ann is away from home!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Dreamland Medical Outreach Clinics "Hospital on Wheels"
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Harambee Foundation, Holland.
They have done wonderful things for so many schools in our rural community.
This time they saw the completion of five school building projects and these were handed over to the schools and the local community.
Classrooms etc in four Primary schools: Luuya, Lunyu, Makunga and Mukuyuni
A Lab in one Secondary School: Mukuyuni.
I am sorry I don't have any photos, but hope to get some in the future.
Thank you, Roel and Marianne and all your team. may God bless you richly!
New LTU at Cheptais.
Estimates of the attendance ranged from "over 2000" to "just under 3000"
The LTU has built its own Office, which you can see being opened after the Launching Service. The Director is seen signing the visitors book inside the Office.