The Mission Hall was packed for the AGM. The Director, Solomon Nabie, is seen giving his report, with the Chairman, Rev John Ayieko, sitting next to him.
Monday, September 27, 2010
2010 AGM photos.
The Mission Hall was packed for the AGM. The Director, Solomon Nabie, is seen giving his report, with the Chairman, Rev John Ayieko, sitting next to him.
Jacob gets his new chair
Mobility for East Bukusu people!
Sorry folks!! I have been struggling to post news....
I have failed to post this report with some wonderful photos, so will try to do the photos separately. It was an amazing day!
Report by Becky Nightingale.
On Friday last week the Bethesda Pool programme with the DMCC team visited East Bukusu to hand over two specially adapted wheelchairs. The wheelchairs were left over from the Wheels for the World distribution earlier this year. They were adapted and designed by two visiting Dutch students from The Hague University. The patients were originally assessed on the DMCC medical outreach programme.
The first was for a lady, Cellestine, who badly broke her legs in a motorcycle accident many years ago. She was unable to walk and the only way she could work on her farm was lying on her front. She was given a specially made hand bike which she could use on the farm and roads around her house, she and her family were very grateful for her new found freedom.
The second chair was made for Jacob who, following a neurological event, had been unable to sit up for 10 years. He had not left his compound in over 10 years. He was given spiritual care, medical care and the family were given an exercises programme to do with him. On Friday the wheelchair was given to him and for first time in 10 years he was able to sit unaided. Not surprisingly he and his family were delighted. They said they took him to church on Sunday and that they will join an IcFEM fellowship.
We praise God for the work done in East Bukusu and are very grateful for our links with both Wheels for World and The Hague University, without whom this would not have been possible.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Christmas Cards!!
Very good AGM
Too much rain and MUD. Lots of power blackouts and Internet down. Hopefully there will be some photos of the AGM next week.