The training (see previous post) included making clay cooking stoves. These will remain at HQ to dry out. Participants will return after a month to finish them. The photos show various stages in the production.
Very happy at what they have made this week. Fireless cookers, simple body oil, local handwashing to be put outside pit latrine (this is using a small bottle for the demonstration) with soap hanging on the string. The trainers were from REAP (Rural Extension with Africa's Poor). The training was for LTU Representatives, who are now expected to go back and teach Village Fellowship members.
Between 11th and 19th, rains started. It was very wet at Ang'urai, but thankfully not muddy! The meeting was held in a local Primary School. The children behaved very well. They sang and danced and sat quietly through all the speeches and preaching. As at Kwanza, the LTU officials were prayed for. Many people came. Including children, the total was almost 1000 people. It is a more densely populated area than Kwanza - very close to the Uganda Border. From the school, we moved to the local Market to open the Office. Then we were made very welcome for lunch at the home of a local Councillor.
There were about 800 people at this opening - with entertainment, preaching and speeches. The leaders were prayed for and the Unit will run for six months before the official launching. The Local Transformation Unit has been given five acres of land, which you can see in two of the photos. The main function was held under the trees to give shade. The leaders and visitors then moved to the Office building to open it and sign the Visitors Book. Lunch then followed! The weather was dry - no rain!
Two new Local Unit Offices have been opened this month - Kwanza (which is beyond Kitale) and Ang'urai (Teso - very close to the Uganda border). I have photos of both and will try to post them soon.
A training for Christian women in Development is on at the moment - very interesting. Again, photos to follow.
More baby news - a son (Bezalel. Ex 31:2-5) to Leonard and Gentrix. Photo to follow!
Roel and Marianne Meijers of Harambee Foundation, Holland, left this morning after a very busy and profitable few weeks here.
The ground has been broken for the new IcFEM Hafoland Primary School. Other projects have been completed and they are making plans for their 10th anniversary celebrations in Holland (18th June) and here in Kenya in October.
They have also had many visitors.
IcFEM thanks them so much for their tireless input into Education - buildings, Quality of Education and now local Polytechnics.
The March group is much smaller than the February one. They are out in their schools now. The photos show them at the Monday morning briefing, before leaving for their partner schools. Some of the partner Heads are in the photo. Ruth Nabie is addressing them
Here are a few photos of the first and last days taken at the general meetings in the IcFEM Conference Hall. Some of the UK ladies were given Kenyan dresses by their partner schools at their farewell meetings in their schools!